On My Own Community Services is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that provides training and employment for persons with disabilities.
About Your Donation
Thank you for considering making a financial contribution to On My Own Community Services. We are a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit organization, and contributions are tax deductible. Donations of any size will directly benefit our programs. Your contribution helps us continue our high standards of service and allows us to provide training and employment for persons with disabilities. We hope that you will partner with us.

Ways to contribute

Sign up with eScrip and contribute to On My Own Community Services while shopping at multiple locations either at the store or online. Click on the link above to register grocery cards, credit/debit cards and retail credit cards that you use for purchases. Click on ‘Welcome’ and then ‘Sign Up’. Follow the six easy steps which include selecting ‘On My Own Community Services’ from a drop down list. When you use any of these registered cards with a participating merchant partner, the merchant makes a contribution that goes straight to On My Own Community Services.