Client Services
On My Own Community Services offers individuals a variety of opportunities for career exploration and skill development with the goal of competitive integrated employment or internship placement. Referrals for Employment Services and Supported Employment Services, come from the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) and Alta California Regional Center (ACRC), and provide the following programs so that individuals can obtain competitive employment in the community:
Supported Employment
Programs offer services from employment preparedness to individual placement and retention for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Supported Employment is funded through the California Department of Rehabilitation and Alta California Regional Center. The programs include:
Job Coaching – We provide individual training and support for on or off the job for employment-related activities. Our job coaches work with individuals who are adjusting to a job and/or have found they are in need of job coaching due to changes in their job.
Paid Internship Program – The internship program offers paid work experience with a community employer partner. Through the internship, opportunities are focused on individuals who have little to no work experience, desire additional career exploration and/or skill development.
Tailored Day Services – Community based service that provides 1:1 support in the areas of post-secondary education, employment and volunteer opportunities, and community integration activities. Other support areas may include, but are not limited to: community safety, self-care, self-advocacy, interpersonal skills, micro-enterprise/business startup, and mobility training. The schedule is flexible and tailored to each individual’s needs.

Job Development
These services prepare individuals for employment by developing a résumé, cover letter, master application and role play for interviews. The job search is individual driven and is a collaborative process, teaching employment ready skills, discussing needed accommodations, conducting mock interviews, and providing recommendations on dress, grooming, and interpersonal skills. After an individual's job placement, our Job Developers continue employer and individual contact for 90-days to ensure individual progress, employer satisfaction and job success. This includes telephone calls, personal visits or other means of contact to support the individual's continued employment.
Situational Assessments
A paid work experience while providing a comprehensive on-the-job assessment to identify each individual's current level of employability. Individuals are placed in a real work environments within the community to assess interpersonal communication, work performance and work habits.

Job Coaching
We provide individual training and support for on or off the job for employment-related activities. This includes short-term coaching for Employment Services individuals and long-term coaching for Supported Employment individuals, if found necessary. Our job coaches work with individuals who are adjusting to a job and/or have found they are in need of job coaching due to changes in their job.
Vocational Assessments
This program provides a comprehensive exploration of current skills, abilities, and interests to help identify a vocational and/or educational goal. The information is gathered through the following methods: completion of work history and skills, review of pertinent information/history, assessment of work behaviors and interpersonal skills, transferable skill analysis, and basic skills tests.

Personal, Vocational, Social Adjustment
Individuals are supported on a 1:1 and limited time basis. We provide soft skills training to help individuals understand the meaning and value of gaining soft skills and appropriate work behaviors that can lead to successful and sustained employment.
Work Experience
Work Experience is a pre-employment transition service (Pre-ETS) offered to high school students through the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). Work Experience provides students with the opportunity to apply skills learned at school to real-life work experiences.
Students will be placed in a paid work-based learning experience with a community employer. These placements will be based on individual choice and vocational training needs. On My Own Community Services will be the employer of record. Work experience lasts for up to 100 hours of onsite work.
Who can participate in this program? To be eligible to receive Pre-ETS services, participants must be:
- An enrolled high school student with a disability
- Between the ages of 16 to 22 years
- Referred by Department of Rehabilitation (DOR)
If you are a student with a disability and not currently a client of DOR, call your local DOR office and mention that you are interested in this program.